Common Goldfish (5 inch)
Common Goldfish are usually a nice addition to any pond setting. Common Goldfish are orange in color and unremarkable. Common Goldfish are never aggressive towards plants they way that Koi fish can be, Koi fish can be extremely destructive to your pond plants. Common Goldfish are social creatures and usually interact with most fish of the same species. When introduced to a new environment, Common Goldfish often swim side by side with other goldfish, often swimming in schools. ‘Schooling’ usually occurs when new fish are introduced into the tank or pond. Once the common goldfish become familiar with one another, they usually go back to their individual behavior. Under the proper conditions, Common Goldfish can live for long periods, the longest lived goldfish on record is 43 years. Improper care, or life in a bowl with a restricted diet can greatly reduce the typical lifespan of a common goldfish.